Dental veneers: what they are and how to apply them

Faccette Dentali

If you want to correct the imperfections of your smile without resorting to invasive operations, the right solution are the dental veneers: layers of ceramic (or porcelain) that are applied over the teeth, coating them, thus covering any defects such as shape, color and length.

Dental veneers: what they are and how they are applied

In detail, dental veneers are thin sheets of ceramic or porcelain with a thickness of about 0.7 mm that are fixed on the surface of the tooth that you want to “change”.

Before fixing them, the tooth must be prepared: the dentist removes a thin layer of enamel so that the veneer that will be applied respects the same color of the other teeth. Using this impression, a model of the tooth will be made on which the dental laboratory will construct the veneer.

As soon as the veneer is ready, it is then fixed with a very strong and durable adhesive technique. It is also possible to apply dental veneers without anesthesia and, of course, without causing any pain to the patient.

Dental veneers: the advantages

Dental veneers are certainly one of the most effective, quick and painless solutions, which guarantees a very high aesthetics and naturalness compared to other techniques and gives lasting results.

Precisely for this reason, in fact, they are used by actors, sportsmen and other personalities of the show as a solution to get a perfect smile without resorting to a real operation.

Dental Veneers: The Treatment by Dr. Schmitz

At the dental office of Dr. Schmitz, we give our patients the smiles of real stars through the fabrication of dental veneers, thin ceramic plates that can change the shape, color and length of the teeth.

We don’t settle for simple dental veneers, but we create perfectly crafted veneers, using only high quality materials and relying on medical experts and strict protocols. It was Dr. Schmitz himself who imported veneers to Italy in 1993, directly from the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

The procedure is painless and non-invasive, allowing you to have an aesthetically perfect smile in just a few sessions.